Moving image of Exhibition
Galerie Marianne Heller, Germany
The moving image of my exhibition has been released.I look forward to seeing it by many customers.
The moving image of my exhibition has been released.I look forward to seeing it by many customers.
I am participating in the exhibition at Galerie Marianne Heller in Germany.I look forward to being appreciated … [Read more…]
富山県美術館で開催されていた「国際工芸アワードとやま2020 ― 羽ばたく工芸の未来 -」の巡回展を、富山県と高岡市の共催により高岡市美術館にて開催されることになりました。どうぞご高覧頂ければと存じます。 会期:2021 … [Read more…]